Hineni. Here I Am. Podcast Study Guide.
6 people in the Bible responded to God by saying the words “Hineni”- “Here I Am”. They are: Abraham, Jacob, Moses, Samuel, Isaiah, and Ananias.
Abraham responded to God saying Hineni in Genesis 22. Abraham was tested by God to give up his only son. Abraham was willing because he feared and loved God. God rewarded Abraham by halting Abraham from killing his son and then blessed him greatly and Abraham’s descendants numbered the stars and sand on the seashore.
Jacob responded to God by saying Hineni in Genesis 31:11 and Genesis 46:2. In Genesis 31 God wanted Jacob to move back to the land of his father Isaac. In Genesis 46 God wanted Jacob to move to Egypt where He would greatly bless Jacob and he would get to see his son Joseph again.
Moses responded to God by saying Hineni in Exodus 3:4. God called to Moses through the burning bush. God wanted Moses to go back and free the Israelites from the bondage of the Egyptians and take them back to the Promised Land.
Samuel responded to God by saying Hineni to Eli in 1 Samuel 3:4. God called to Samuel three times. Samuel, being just a boy, thought that Eli the high priest was calling to him. Eli instructed Samuel to answer God, by saying “speak Lord for I am listening”.
Isaiah responded to God by saying Hineni in Isaiah 6:8. Isaiah was a prophet for Judah. God called out “whom shall I send?”. Isaiah responded “Hineni”.
Ananias responded to God by saying Hineni in Acts 9:10. God called out to Ananias and Ananias responded “Hineni”, then God asked him to lay hands on Saul (Paul) in Damascus.
“Hineni” is the Hebrew word for “Here I Am”. When God calls out to you, how do you respond? Do you say “Here I Am”? Or are you not listening? Be ready. You are a child of God. He is waiting to call you. Pray, read the Bible, draw closer to Him, so you are ready to answer when He calls you.